Does Red Light Therapy Help Mitigate Oxidative Stress?

Does Red Light Therapy Help Mitigate Oxidative Stress

When it comes to health and wellbeing, a balanced autonomic nervous system is critical. The autonomic nervous system is comprised of two divisions, the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions. The parasympathetic division is responsible for all the processes in our body that help us ‘rest-and-digest’, and the sympathetic division is responsible for all of our ‘fight-or-flight’ responses.

Unfortunately, the majority of us spend more time with the sympathetic nervous system active, due to stress. This repeated activation of our stress response system takes a toll on our bodies over time. And while stress can be positive, it can become a problem when stressors continue without relief.

But, what if there was a way to help mitigate oxidative stress? While it may be surprising, light is an environmental stressor that can have an impact on our bodies. Visible light is responsible for activating hormones that help us stay awake and fall asleep. Cortisol is a hormone that helps our body be alert and stay awake during the daytime, and melatonin is a hormone that helps us relax and sleep better. Studies have shown that exposure to certain types of light during specific periods of the day can impact the production of both cortisol and melatonin.

Blue light seems to have the greatest impact because of its ability to stimulate the production of cortisol and disrupt the secretion of melatonin. Red light on the other hand, has less of a negative effect on melatonin when compared to blue light. This suggests that red light could be beneficial in helping maintain healthy melatonin levels during evening hours, and mitigating oxidative stress.

Red light does not stimulate the production of melatonin, but when compared to blue light, is much less disruptive. To help maintain a healthy balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic response states, the use of red light may be beneficial.

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