Why Is Cryotherapy Only 3 Minutes?

why cryo only 3 mins

What’s Happening to Your Body During Those Few Short Minutes of Cryotherapy?

Have you ever wondered what actually happens to your body during those few short minutes of cryotherapy? Cryotherapy is a popular and growing trend in Australia, and with only 3 minutes being the maximum recommended session time, it can be a little confusing as to why. In this article, we’ll be exploring the science behind cryotherapy and what it can do for you.

What Is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is a form of cold therapy which utilises ultra-low temperatures to treat a variety of medical conditions. It is typically done in a cryochamber, which is a device that uses liquid nitrogen to reduce the temperature and create an environment of -120°C to -140°C. This intense cold is used to promote healing and reduce inflammation and pain.

How Does Cryotherapy Work?

When you step into a cryochamber, your body immediately reacts to the sudden change in temperature. This stimulates certain regulatory functions, such as the release of anti-inflammatory molecules, endorphins (the “feel-good” energy hormones), and toxins. Whilst in the chamber, your body also pulls more blood into your core, giving it more oxygen and nutrients than usual.

Once you step out of the chamber, the nutrient and oxygen-rich blood is dispersed throughout your body. This, paired with the endorphins released, can often result in a great night’s sleep and a positive mood for up to a few days.

What Benefits Does Cryotherapy Offer?

Cryotherapy has been linked to many potential benefits, including:

  • Increased antioxidative counts, which can reduce oxidative stress in the body;
  • Reduced fatigue in those suffering from multiple sclerosis;
  • Increased pain tolerance and pain threshold in athletes;
  • Boosted immune system;
  • Reduced post-workout pain;
  • Reduced pain in those suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis;
  • Boosted metabolism; and
  • Improved mood and stress levels.

How Many Sessions Are Recommended?

Survey results indicate participants report they experience benefits after 3-5 consecutive cryotherapy sessions. Many participants find that to maintain these benefits, they need to do cryotherapy 2-3 times a week. Depending on the person and the condition being treated, it could take seven to ten treatments initially. After this initial loading period, maintenance treatments should be once or twice per week. Training athletes may feel they want to use whole body cryotherapy sessions daily for recovery purposes.


Cryotherapy is a safe, effective and growing trend in Australia, and with the potential benefits it offers, it’s easy to see why. While the recommended session time is only 3 minutes, the effects of a cryotherapy session can be felt for days afterwards. If you’re considering trying cryotherapy, be sure to speak to a qualified health practitioner first.

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